A Stock Market for Electronics 📈

Gain insights on your tech📱.

Know exactly what to sell your phone for with Techfare.

About the founder 👤

Founder Narcis Baraiac worked at Stock X for six years. Stock x is a startup in the fashion space that is valued at $3.8 Billion.

Founder Narcis Baraiac

Discovering a golden opportunity 💡

Baraiac states that the idea came when he was trying to sell a Macbook Pro but couldn’t find anything that would give a realistic price to sell it at. He wanted to see data and trends so he could get an accurate market price but couldn’t find anything that did that, so he created it.

Techfare replicates the Stock Market

Welcome to Techfare 🏪

Techfare is a technology market insights/ data and search engine that replicates a stock market with real market price of the electronic you want to sell.

How profitable is Techfare 💵 ?

Baraiac states that they aim to be profitable as soon as possible. He developed this from scratch and looks to finally get some users on it after launch just recently.

What is the growth potential of this business 🌎?

Baraiac’s vision is to “create a marketplace at the end of the day where users and buy and sell devices of all kinds on the platform. Starting off as a price guide as the best way to start off. Currently with just phones, looking to expand.”

Where are they in the funding process💱?

Bootstrapped 👢 

“When you finally find something in life you're really passionate about, never let that passion die. Keep pushing forward, overcoming obstacles that come your way, and never stop knocking down doors!”

Narcis Baraiac


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